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Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to browse through our frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact Matthew under the "Contact" tab above. Thank you!


Will I be learning ASL or just some ASL signs ?

You will be learning basic ASL signs. You will not learn the complex language that is ASL.  Learning ASL takes years of training. The ASL signs you will learn will be specific for your needs. No two workshops are alike as they are tailor made for each client.

Understand that these workshops are first and foremost not a replacement for a sign language interpreter being hired to interpret for an employee. These workshops are designed to meet some very specific needs: to teach key staff members to communicate effectively to a Deaf or hard-of-hearing employee/customer in an emergency situation and various other situations where only basic signs are needed for effective communication to take place.

*The owner of this business is an ASL Interpreter. He understands the needs of those who use ASL and will not conduct workshops as a "short cut method" for the company so said company can avoid having to pay for a sign language interpreter*



How long will it take the staff to learn the ASL signs?


It depends. Since our workshops are individually designed for each business, the number of signs to be learned varies. Each staff member will be given a binder with pictures of the signs as well as written instructions on how to execute the signs correctly. Note that not all staff members need attend these workshops. Only those with direct contact with anyone who uses ASL as their primary language need attend. These would include front-end personnel, service workers, housekeeping, wait staff, caterers, department heads, and managers.

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